Thursday, November 6, 2014


Breaking Education Barriers is a blog written by Annie Palmer. For my first post, I commented on Impacting Students a Book at a Time. In this post, Mrs. Palmer wrote about how she got her students excited about reading, and their reactions to the books. She explained that after discussing the Shadow Children Series, and watching a few book trailers, her students were anxious to get their hands on a book and start reading. She explained that as teachers, we have to instill a life long love on learning in our students. In my comment, I told Mrs. Palmer who I was, where I was from, and I gave her a link to my blog. I also told her that reading was one of my favorite things to do, and that I hoped that I could instill a love of reading in my students one day like she had. I also told her that I had made a book trailer for one of my classes, and it's nice to know that they can get students excited about books. Lastly, I said that is must be very gratifying to have impacted so many children in a positive way and that I enjoyed reading her blog.

The second post from Annie Palmer that I commented on was Feedback: Lessons from the Ball Field. In this post, Annie connected feedback in the classroom to feedback in sports, specifically softball. She explained that instead of using grades as feedback, you should give feedback in the form of a verbal conversation or written explanations. She also said that praise has been proven to only improve ego, not achievement. In my comment, I told Annie that I cheered in high school, and it was interesting to connect my personal experiences to her post. I also told her that in EDM 310, we get feedback instead of grades, and I think that all teachers should consider it. I told her that I thought it was surprising that praise didn't improve achievement as well. Lastly, I told her that her post was very informative and I enjoyed reading it.

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