Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blog Post #1

I have heard so many things about EDM 310. Some have been good, and some have been... well, not so good. The thing that I hear most often is, "It takes way too much time every week. 9 hours is ridiculous." I've also had students tell me that working in groups can be very frustrating, the class can be overly confusing, and I have heard many complaints about the fact that Dr. Strange encourages buying a Mac for the class. However, I have also heard that I will learn a lot from this class, and that by the end of the semester I will be glad I took it. After hearing both the good and the bad, I am really excited for this class.

I can already tell that everyone was correct in saying I would learn a lot from the class. I have had a Mac for a year now, and I have a feeling I don't use it to it's potential. I think that this class will help me learn how to do so much more with my computer. I also think that this class will help me to become a better learner, as well as a better educator.

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." -Albert Einstein I would say that at least 90% of my classes in high school, and a good bit of my college classes, have all been burp-back classes. In middle school and high school, I assume that it was like this because of standardized testing. We spent most of our time preparing for tests, so we only memorized what was on them. I can memorize a study guide faster than I can read it basically. While this has made school so much easier for me, I think that being able to think critically is much more important. I hope that by the end of this course, I have a better understanding of how to learn independently while retaining knowledge, as well as learn how to teach my future students to do the same thing.

I fear that this class will be more difficult than others, just because it is different. I have had science and math classes that required me to really think about what I was doing, but most everything else was simple. "Here's a study guide. Know it for the test." I would read it a few times and be done. I look forward to the challenges that EDM 310 will bring. Other than fearing the unknown, or exactly what to expect out of this class, I don't have any concerns regarding this class.

While I may not be afraid of anything in this course, I do know it may be hard. Time management will probably be a difficult aspect of EDM 310. My plan for keeping up with my work is to complete most of it on Monday, since I don't have class on Monday. I also plan to use Mondays to go to the lab if I don't understand something. Overall, I think I will be successful with managing my time. Here are some great tips for everyone who struggles with time management.
8 Steps for Strong Time Management for College Students

Overall, I think this class will be very informative, and maybe even fun. I really am looking forward to this semester.


  1. I am excited about this class too! I am happy with the fact that it is not a burp back class. I also had nothing but burp back classes in high school and junior college and I did not learn anything from those classes. I do agree that time management will be difficult in this class.

  2. You have a great plan on how to stay on top of things this semester. This will be very helpful as the semester goes along.

    It looks like you are on the right track so far!

    Great job.
